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How to Reduce Pregnancy Complications and Symptoms

How to reduce problems during pregnancy? Here are some tips and tricks to keep them under control so you can enjoy this precious phase of your motherhood journey. Read more!

Every woman wishes for a healthy and smooth pregnancy journey. However, just like other important milestones in life, difficulties could occur. For the more common issues, here are some tips and tricks to help keep them under control so you can enjoy this precious phase of your motherhood journey.

Stomach Cramps

Belly pain is one of the most common discomforts that come with pregnancy. After all, the womb is expanding, and ligaments stretch to accommodate. As a result, many mums-to-be report feeling a sharp cramp on one side of their tummy. Other potential causes are constipation, trapped wind, or even poor posture. Accordingly, adopting a better diet, regular exercise, and attention to proper posture will help.

The pain will usually subside over time, but if you experience the following symptoms, please consult with your physician:

  • Spotting or bleeding
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Lower back pain
  • Burning sensation when peeing
  • Severe pain that persists even with 30 to 60 minutes' rest

Many pregnant women turn to pain medicine to help with the symptoms, but be sure to check with your doctor to be safe.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common sign during the first trimester, and is thus named as many women often experience it early in the day (though it can occur at any time). It makes you want to throw up or feel nauseated. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but here are some suggestions that might help manage the symptoms:

  • Avoid spicy food or food that is high in sugar, both of which can upset your digestion
  • Avoid strong odors that can be triggering
  • Avoid any activity that cause unnecessary fatigue - have someone help with chores where possible

Heartburn (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)

Heartburn is yet another common discomfort that comes with pregnancy. As the hormonal balance in your body shifts drastically throughout your pregnancy, it can cause the stomach valve to relax and not close normally. This allows acidic contents to travel back up the throat, causing an unpleasantly sour taste in your mouth that can induce vomiting. This condition can worsen as the growing uterus presses up into the stomach.

Thankfully, there are many ways to ease heartburn:

  • Avoid acidic food, especially citrus fruit
  • Eat in smaller servings throughout the day
  • Drink between meals - dehydration can cause acid reflux
  • Drink ginger tea or coconut water, which also helps with nausea
  • Try not to lie down or sleep right after eating
  • Elevate your head when sleeping

If you have severe symptoms or would like to try medication, please speak with a healthcare provider.

Pregnancy Backaches

During pregnancy, the ligaments in your body naturally become softer, and they stretch to prepare you for labor. That puts a strain on the joints of the lower back and pelvis, which can cause backache. The extra weight of your uterus and the increasing size of the hollow in your lower back can also add to the problem.

But don’t worry, here are several things you can do to help prevent backaches, and cope with them if they do occur.

  • When turning around, move your feet too, so you won’t twist your spine.
  • Stay away from high-heels or anything of the sort - flat shoes are your best friend as these allow your weight to be evenly distributed.
  • Don’t stoop; work at a surface high enough for you to keep balance.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for long periods; balance is key.
  • When you do sit, sit with your back straightened and well-supported.

One of the proven things to help with backaches is a firm mattress. If your mattress is too soft, put a piece of headboard under it to make it firmer.

There is also a slew of activities that can help ease the pain of backaches.

  • Aqua aerobics, a form of gentle exercise in water.
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Massage sessions, but do consult your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you and your child
  • Regular exercise, including brisk walks.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Some women experience thinner hair during pregnancy, with more of their hair falling out. This is due to a decrease in estrogen, which may happen as a result of stopping the oral contraceptive pill or a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy.

It's also quite common for new mums to experience hair loss after pregnancy when their estrogen returns to normal levels. This causes the additional hair from the growth phase to change to the resting phase, which then falls out more than usual, until around 3 to 4 months after childbirth. This hormone-related hair loss is usually nothing to worry about, as your hair will return to normal after a while.

Some tips that may help include:

  • Skip on the styling until the thinning reduces
  • Eat food that is rich in protein, such as nuts, seeds, lean red meat, poultry, fish, pasteurised milk and dairy products
  • Take prenatal supplements along with a healthy diet
  • Use volumizing shampoo

If you feel your hair loss is too much or your hair growth hasn't returned back to normal, talk to your doctor for advice.

Gestational Diabetes – prep with Glucose Screening Test

A glucose screening test is a routine pregnancy test that checks for gestational diabetes. It checks for higher-than-normal levels of glucose, more commonly known as blood sugar. Having higher-than-normal levels of glucose could mean you are at risk for developing gestational diabetes.

Physicians recommend that all women should be screened for gestational diabetes, because it's one of the most common pregnancy complications. Left untreated, it could lead to a number of problems in the future.

Don't worry about these tests though; glucose screening tests are an easy and effective way to catch gestational diabetes. To get the problem under control, you may have to enact some simple lifestyle changes. As an incentive, doing so helps you have a smoother pregnancy - and a healthier outcome for your child.

It is always good to ensure you have the right nutritional support during your pregnancy journey. According to Malaysia’s Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI), 2017, pregnant mums require sufficient dose of calcium, folic acid, vitamin D and iron, amongst other macro & micronutrients. Getting the right nutrient combination helps minimise some of the potential problems you may face. Choose a nutritional supplement that’s high in calcium and low in GI (Glycemic Index) value such as Frisomum® Gold to be your nutrition partner.

Frisomum® Gold, in support of healthy, happy pregnancy journeys.



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