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Massage children's back easing night sleep

Once Upon A Massage for Kids

It may not look like hard work, but your child is busy exploring the world every waking moment – and this multisensory experience can tire him out. So something as simple as a bedtime massage can go a long way in easing him into a good night’s rest, before he takes on the world tomorrow.

Here, you will learn basic massage techniques through a bedtime story. Read it to your child as you knead away, and personalise it where we have indicated in BOLD. Our story massage is best practised in a cool, quiet room, with some baby oil to keep your child’s skin moisturised. Even some spas aren’t this relaxing.

  • Lay your child on his back.

    There was once a little BOY / GIRL named (YOUR CHILD’S NAME), who loved to lay on HIS / HER back and gaze at the night sky.

  • Lift one leg. Twist gently from the ankle to the thigh. Repeat for the other leg.

    With just a little stretch of HIS / HER legs...

  • Use your thumbs to rub the soles.

    (YOUR CHILD’S NAME) could jump over the moon...

  • Squeeze each toe, one by one.

    And tiptoe from cloud to cloud!

  • Hold your child’s palms in a relaxed manner. Massage from his wrist to his shoulder. Repeat for the other arm.

    Sometimes, HE / SHE would even chase after the shooting stars.

  • Massage the fingers one by one.

    But they were either too fast or too far.

  • Rub your palms excitedly.

    “There must be a another way!” baby (YOUR CHILD’S NAME) thought.

  • Place your warm palms on your child’s tummy. Rub gently in a circular motion.

    So with a deep, long breath...

  • Rest your thumbs at the centre of your child’s forehead and slowly, rub outwards towards his mouth.

    HE / SHE closed HIS / HER eyes and saw all the shooting stars HE / SHE could imagine.

  • Lean in for a good night’s kiss!

    Good night, little one.

Download our massage routine to improvise your bedtime story today.

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Creating outdoor experiences indoors instantly ignites a child’s imagination. So if the zoo is a family favourite, bring it home! In this article, you will learn how to have your own make-believe zoo at home to engage your child’s mind, without the usual sweat and crankiness.