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Encourage to eat vegetables to ensure good digestive system

8 Tips To Improve Your Child’s Digestive System

Poor eating habits can cause problems within your kid's digestive system. Read on to learn how you can help them improve their digestive system. We have prepared some simple tips for you to follow, including changes to make to your daily diet and lifestyle.

Tips to Promote Digestive System in Children

Various types of vegetables on table

1. More fibre, please!

Fibre-rich foods like grains, fruits and vegetables can make the digestive system strong. Toddlers aged one to three should aim for 19g of fibre per day, so pile on those apples, raspberries and whole-grain bread for your child.

Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fibre, fat, protein and amino acids. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2002/2005.

Father playing football with kid in the garden

2. Exercise

Not only is exercise great for the overall well-being of your child, it is also a crucial aspect of digestive health. Keep the workout light and fun, but keep them active – this will encourage the movement of food through your child’s gastrointestinal tract and will help with digestion.

Kid drinking a glass of Friso® Gold Step 3 formula milk

3. Keep hydrating

Especially true in our tropical climate where kids are more prone to perspiration and losing bodily fluids, hydration is key to keeping it all running smooth. To make that glass of water more enticing for your child, add fresh fruit like lemon or berries to give it more flavour. You may provide your child with formula milk / susu formula too to improve the digestive system for more strength inside.

Various sizes of fruits displaying on table

4. More meals, smaller portions

Another popular tip for a good and strong digestive system is to have smaller meals more often throughout the day. This way, your child will be less likely to experience discomfort caused by bloating and will also be less likely to overload his digestive system with heavy portions of food.

Kid grabbing corn on plate

5. Do not overeat

Here’s another tip: Monitor your child’s eating habits and make sure he or she is not eating too fast and too much as a result. When eating out, portion food with serving plates, so your child doesn’t over-indulge in too-big servings that will make it more difficult for the digestive system to do its job.

Kid having corn to ensure sufficient of nutrient

6. Load up on enzymes

Our bodies produce enzymes to help us break down food. These enzymes can also be found in our saliva, which is why you should always encourage thorough chewing to get all that stuff rolled up in enzymes. Other natural options can be found in food like papayas, mangoes, honey and pineapples.

Nutitious vegetables for children to ensure good digestion

7. Food to avoid

Speaking of improving the digestive system, there are foods that your toddler should avoid. Processed food such as instant canned food or sweet snacks usually lack nutrients such as fibre and enzymes. They’re also loaded with trans-fats and other preservatives that are not beneficial to overall health when consumed on the regular. Try to load up on fruits and vegetables for your child instead – his digestive tract will thank you for it.

Regular excercise for kid such as swimming

8. Lead by example

At the end of the day, children learn by example. So instead of just telling them how to improve their digestive system, demonstrate it to them and encourage them to follow. Eat as healthy as possible and make exercise a family activity – these great habits are just as beneficial for adults as they are for children. Moreover, this will also help you to bond with your child and also make wholesome, healthy living an integral aspect of your family life.

5 signs your child has a healthy digestive system

Now you may wonder, what happens after your child makes these dietary and lifestyle changes? Is there any way you can assess if your digestive system has improved and got stronger? Yes there are, and here are the five best ways to tell:

1. Regular bowel movements

In simple terms, having regular bowel movements means that your child is pooping regularly. Why is this a sign of a good digestive system? It is because the digestive system is able to properly break down food and absorb their nutrients.

2. Improved appetite and interest in food

After following our tips for a good digestive system, your child may experience an improved appetite overall. This means that they will crave for food more than before, and will be more than happy to eat proper portions.

3. Good energy level 

Food is like fuel for the body, and when the digestive system is strong and healthy, your child will naturally have better energy levels than before.

4. Healthy weight gain

If you didn’t know, digestive problems may lead to weight loss due to poor absorption of food. Likewise, a healthy digestive system will promote healthy weight gain.

5. Reduced chances of excessive bloating

A poor digestive system can lead to constipation, and excessive bloating is one of the most common symptoms. Once your child’s digestive system improves, bloating becomes less common.


3 food categories that are good for a healthy digestive system

Speaking of food to avoid earlier, here are some food groups that you should introduce to your child for a stronger digestive system:

1. Fibre-rich food

Fibre is directly responsible for a healthy bowel movement, and can be found in foods like beans, various berries, and whole grains. 

2. Proteins

Proteins are second on the list, and it comprises foods like lean meats, fish and seafood, and poultry. 

3. Low-sugar fruits

If you didn’t know, some fruits contain more natural sugar content than others, such as apples and grapes. To improve your child’s digestive system, increase their intake of low-sugar fruits such as lemons and limes, avocado, and watermelon.

Try Friso® Gold Step 3 and Friso® Gold Step 4.  Made with milk processed only once with LocNutri™ Technology, Friso® Gold combines the magical goodness of nature with science to bring you easy to digest milk with more than 50 essential6 nutrients.​ Friso® Gold contains NOVAS™ Signature Milk with naturally small molecules and soft structure, has no added flavour, and now upgraded with prebiotics 2'-FL and GOS for easy digestion so your child can be stronger inside. It is incredibly important for your child to have good digestion not only for their comfort but to also avoid complications in their future. You may request a sample: Try free 1-day trial pack or 50% off for 6 days-trial pack.

Friso® Gold 3

Friso® Gold 3 is for toddlers which are children between the ages 1 to 3 years old with Easy to Digest nutrients so they can be strong inside to experience life at its best and fullest with you.

DHA, AA, Omega 3&6 - To fuel learning growth. DHA is important for optimal visual and cognitive development1. AA is recognised for its key role for optimal health, cognition and development2. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are important for normal development of the brain, nervous system, sensory organs3.

Calcium, Protein, Vitamin & Minerals - Muscle and bone growth. Calcium helps in the normal growth and development of bones and teeth. Protein is essential for your child’s growth, maintenance and repair for the body4. Vitamins and minerals are vital for growth and metabolism5.

2'-FL, GOS, Nucleotides & Bifido Lactis - Helps absorb key nutrients. 2'-FL and GOS are prebiotics that can help with constipation and more6. Nucleotides can promote healthy gastrointestinal and immunological growth in young children7. Bifido Lactis is important for diarrhoea prevention as well as immune and gut maturation8.

Friso® Gold 4

Friso® Gold 4 is made for children above the age of 3 and contains the right choice of nutrition support through its milk powder which are:

DHA, AA, Omega 3&6 - To fuel learning & mental growth. DHA is important for optimal visual and cognitive development1. AA is recognised for its key role for optimal health, cognition and development2. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are important for normal development of the brain, nervous system, sensory organs and intelligence3.

Calcium, Protein, Iron, Copper, Vitamin A and K1 - These nutrients give rapid growth of muscle and bone, as well as healthy vision to prepare the body for study as children of 4 years old begin their preschool education. Calcium helps in the normal growth and development of bones and teeth. Protein is essential for your child’s growth, maintenance and repair for the body4. When copper is combined with iron, it allows the body to build red blood cells as well as maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune system9. Vitamin A enhances vision and immune functions10. Vitamin K1 helps make other proteins in the body that are important for blood, bone and kidney health and can be found in dark, leafy green vegetables11.

2'-FL, GOS, Nucleotides & Bifido Lactis - Helps absorb key nutrients & build strong immune systems. 2'-FL and GOS are prebiotics that can help with constipation and more6. Nucleotides can promote healthy gastrointestinal and immunological growth in young children7. Bifido Lactis is important for diarrhoea prevention as well as immune and gut maturation8.


  1. Kuratko, C. N., Barrett, E. C., Nelson, E. B., & Salem, N., Jr (2013). The relationship of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with learning and behavior in healthy children: a review. Nutrients, 5(7), 2777–2810. 
  2. Salas Lorenzo, I., Chisaguano Tonato, A. M., de la Garza Puentes, A., Nieto, A., Herrmann, F., Dieguez, E., Castellote, A. I., López-Sabater, M. C., Rodríguez-Palmero, M., & Campoy, C. (2019). The Effect of an Infant Formula Supplemented with AA and DHA on Fatty Acid Levels of Infants with Different FADS Genotypes: The COGNIS Study. Nutrients, 11(3), 602. 
  3. Organic's Best. (2020, July 24). Why is omega 3 and omega 6 so important for babies? Organic's Best. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from,the%20first%20months%20after%20birth.
  4. The importance of protein for children's growth - baby & child nutritionist. SR Nutrition. (2022, February 28). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from,vitamin%20D%2C%20calcium%20and%20selenium. 
  5. Fanaro S, Boehm G, Garssen J, Knol J, Mosca F, Stahl B, Vigi V. Galacto-oligosaccharides and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides as prebiotics in infant formulas: a review. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 2005 Oct;94(449):22-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2005.tb02150.x. PMID: 16214761. 
  6. Benefits of nucleotides for babies and toddlers. Einmik. (2018, November 9). Retrieved October 11, 2022, from 
  7. Baglatzi, L., Gavrili, S., Stamouli, K., Zachaki, S., Favre, L., Pecquet, S., Benyacoub, J., & Costalos, C. (2016). Effect of Infant Formula Containing a Low Dose of the Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis CNCM I-3446 on Immune and Gut Functions in C-Section Delivered Babies: A Pilot Study. Clinical medicine insights. Pediatrics, 10, 11–19.
  8. Ware, M. (2017, October 23). Copper: Health benefits, recommended intake, sources, and risks. Medical News Today. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from 
  9. Patwal, S. (2022, September 14). Vitamin A for kids: Right dosage, benefits & side effects. MomJunction. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from,%2Dspecific%20dose%20(9)
  10. Castle, J. (2020, October 2). All about vitamin K for kids. The Nourished Child. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from 

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Happy kids drinking a bottle of Friso Gold formula milk

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