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Not So Sinful Indulgence - Food for Pregnant Mums

Find out the myth busting information to put your mind at ease regarding what kind of food types that you don’t have to avoid!

Not So Sinful Indulgence

There are many misconceptions and myths out there about what you should or should not eat while pregnant. Here are some myth busting information to put your mind at ease regarding what kind of food types that you don’t have to avoid.


Fish is high and mercury and is often regarded as a type of food that should be avoided during pregnancy. But like everything, you can have fish - in moderation. Avoid fishes like tuna, or catfish, which are high in mercury. Instead, try fresh salmon which is high in Omega-3’s that are good for both mum and child. It’s not against the rules have sushi, just not too often.


A big misconceptions is that pregnant mums should avoid nuts in order to prevent their child to contract a nut allergy. This is false and your child can still contract a nut allergy regardless. Choose nuts like Macadamias, cashews and hazelnuts.


Yup! Chocolate is great while you’re pregnant! (In moderation of course). Chocolate contains flavanols - a type of flavonoid - that have been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular problems and lower cholesterol; the darker the chocolate, the more flavanols it contains. And it can even help lower the risk of preeclampsia. If you’re concerned about your diet and its affects on your child, always consult your doctor. As everyone’s pregnancy

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