How to Get Your Kids to Gain Weight Healthily
Many parents worry that their children have poor eating habits, are no.... read more
Divide an empty notebook into 5 sections – one for each sense – and create your own nature logbook. Play the “I spy” game outdoors and let your child record his observations in the different sections of the logbook as he explores all 5 senses.
Walk around your nearest park and get your child to guess an item that you see. For example, “I spy with my little eye, something that’s red and has wings!”.
Take a deep breath at the beach. What do you smell? Using the same idea, get your child to guess what you’re smelling. Is it the salty scent of the seawater?
Bring your child out for a walk around the neighbourhood and pick out interesting sounds. Prompt your child to listen out for the melody of chirping birds or the breeze.
Plan a picnic by the playground. Mix in some sour cherries and salty cheddar, and let your child identify the foods while being blindfolded.
Stroll along a trail of touch at your nearby garden. Blindfold your child, then proceed to feel the textures of tree barks and flowers.