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Memo for dad to get his help

Let's Get Daddy Help When Mum Needs Break

Don’t forget to get your partner to take care your child. This will not only allow him to bond with your child but also gives you a much-needed break. Here’s a quick guide about how to get him more involved.

It might feel like a daunting task to take care of your child, so don’t forget to get
your partner involved too. This will not only allow him to bond with your child but
also gives you a much-needed break. Here’s a quick guide about how to get him
more involved.

Make him a part of the planning
Set a regular task for him, right from the beginning. Put him in charge of diaper duty
or bath times. He will get to spend quality time with the child and it prepares him
for when you’re not around.

Set him up for success
Dads do not always have the same tools we mums do when it comes to calming our
child. Ease him into it by letting him cradle your child while they are asleep or
in a better mood. You will have plenty of time to let him attempt more challenging
tasks in the future.

Give him his space with the child
Let his daddy instincts kick in and trust that he knows what to do. Let him enjoy little
one time by himself without any hovering or criticising. When he is confident in taking
care of your child, you will be too.

Skin-to-skin touch
Skin-to-skin touch is important for both of them, so encourage dad to spend time
shirtless while he’s holding the child. It creates such an intimate bond between
them – and you can get really adorable opportunities for a photo shoot!

Remember he is your PARTNER
Before you criticise your partner's parenting skills, count to ten. Those postpartum
hormones can affect your mood so before pushing him away, offer helpful hints or
encourage him when he’s doing a good job. This is a learning experience for both of
you, so lean on your partner and remember you’re in this together.

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Family activity of a father and his son catching a fish

Play Dates That Go Beyond Fun And Games

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