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Mother and baby looking affectionately at fetus in mother's womb

Should You Serenade Your Bump?

Should You Serenade Your Bump? Here is a chart on how loud sounds are to your fetus in the womb.

Here is a chart on how loud sounds are to your fetus in the womb. 

Fetal hearing on different types of sounds and volumeTell a story of sounds From the 23rd week of pregnancy, your fetus welcomes sounds in all forms. So expand his aural horizons with our story that you can bring to life by speaking, singing, or through sound effects. Invite the rest of the family to join in too.


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Parents reading up on ways to reduce pregnancy problems

How to Reduce Pregnancy Complications and Symptoms

How to reduce problems during pregnancy? Here are some tips and tricks to keep them under control so you can enjoy this precious phase of your motherhood journey. Read more!